Conversation Starter: “I Love Your Earrings”


Just recently, I met with a new connection who had attended one of our events to learn more about their vision for their business.  It is so important to follow up on conversations you have started, because things change and new opportunities can become more evident when you take your relationship up a level. Really understanding the “how” behind each other’s work can unlock potential opportunities to collaborate, cross refer and grow together.   We discussed how we generate leads and some of the issues concerning getting known and finding the right clients.  This is a conversation I have had often over the past 9 years of running YTM.

I know from experience that it takes time to build a following and having a supportive network can make all the difference to unlocking connections and opportunities.


I shared my insights on how women-only networking events are effective and commonplace. The attendance rates are high and women eagerly take up the opportunity to connect with other women in business. Why are these events so successful? Do women network differently than men?

I believe there are differences that should be used to our mutual advantage.

I have noticed that women are quicker at building rapport and developing conversations that work towards building a relationship.

Often I have been introduced to a women and the first connection may be “I love your earrings” and as the conversation develops I may find they are a CEO or Business Development Manager. Generally men seem to introduce themselves with their title “Hello I am…. and am the CEO of….”  , then  determine if there are opportunities to work together before investing time in a building a relationship .



Most definitely there is a place for groups where women are encouraged to share their experiences and explore their business challenges together. However at YTM Business Connect, we bring both men and women together because although there are some differences in the way they network, there is enormous benefit in sharing different perspectives, knowledge, styles and experience. 

My observation and belief is that both women and men may be missing out if their networks are too narrow.  

Women have extensive networks which can go wide and deep. Remember that the person you are speaking to is a conduit to others, and never make assumptions or underestimate who they may be connected too.  

On the opposite side, women often have business skills that are often sought by men in business.  For example, design, social media management, blog writing,  and allied health often attract women, whilst the professional services, IT and finance areas maybe services that women need to grow their business, and have a network that requires the skill set on offer.

By bringing “humans” together , who share common interest , in YTM’s case, growing a business, we can learn, share and  engage with diverse personalities, perspectives, knowledge, and experience to  unearth wisdom and learning. 

Expanding our thinking, exposing ourselves to new ways of solving problems, information, innovative ideas, the chance to receive and give support, and guidance has often untapped value. Importantly we all have individual talents and expertise to benefit from.  In turn, we enjoy the opportunity to extend ourselves, reach our full potential, start a ripple effect, make an impact, add value and achieve our goals.

Women seem to be natural networkers. Historically they have kept the home fires burning, gained support from other women and nurtured relationships.  They like to ask questions, coach and encourage. They tend to connect through children, family, business challenges, successes and a desire to mentor other women seeking advice in the business space. They willingly express how they FEEL about their work/life challenges and share openly; they are often drawn to those who are similar to themselves.


Women tend to concentrate on building rapport and a relationship before they discuss business. They take a more selfless approach and focus on what they have to give and are often slower to ask for what they want. They tend to seek referrals for both personal and business requirements…whether recommendations for a hair stylist, website designer or an accountant.

By contrast, men’s networking is generally more focussed on what they want to achieve and their professional needs. They are more comfortable with a transactional or ‘hunter’ approach. Men tend to base their networking choices on who they are more likely to meet and who is related to their industry. They are keen to connect with others who can assist as a supplier, client or customer, but there appears to be less emphasis on finding a friend or confidant. Their approach can be more assertive and they are less afraid to ask for what they want. This is also a skill that many women need to develop.


As women tend to be more emotionally wired for connection they are drawn to networking to create connections. They look for friends, suppliers, clients and referrers.

Narrow networks can hinder growth. Limit the breadth and diversity we stand to gain from connecting with others. Miss out on opportunities to learn new things and really stretch our view of the world. Reduce possibilities where we can utilise our expertise to generate income.

Each gender has something to offer.  Why would you limit your potential to make connections? Finding a mix of opportunities to connect is good for you and good for your business.

At YTM events men and women mix and mingle together. It’s fun and all benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience within the room. We focus on creating an environment that aims to meet the needs of the group and encourage interaction..

Three events monthly, provide our members with an opportunity to learn from guest speakers with insights encouraging conversations and reflection. It is a time to work ON your business, reflect and review your approach and recognise that support is always available if you know where to look for it. Running a business does not have to be frustrating, lonely and seemingly impossible. Make the most of your time and combine networking, fun and knowledge while growing your business. Check out our membership starter package today.



How to avoid missing opportunities to grow your business


Beetroot stains: learnings from small business