7 Core Elements to Build Your Business

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Every business needs to establish or regularly re-examine their business strategy and networking approach to ensure that it remains relevant and profitable.

If you read and remember nothing else from this post let it be….  

”you bring extraordinary Value to the table….so learn how to recognise and unlock this Value to fertilise your proposition (and pricing)

These are not secrets but the way you assemble and ignite the core elements is perhaps a code worth cracking. Here goes.

You Must be bold: Unshackle from the gravity holding your business back and demand that your proposition reeks with why your existing clients and new clients will climb over hot coals to work with you and shout out to others about you.

It’s about them not you: Cease and desist from talking about what you do and convert your irresistible proposition into evidence of the slam dunk value you deliver to your clients in their hands and in their language.

They chase you: Leapfrog your competitors who will be smiling through gritted teeth with envy.

Value not price: Make your price represent your outstanding value built through the blood sweat and tears of the extraordinary experience you bring to the table.

Clients in Clients Out: Be brave and confident in choosing the clients you will deal with (and not deal with) who best respond to your carefully crafted problem solving proposition.

Forget what you do: Broadcast with your shoes shined and your chest out, client testimonials that absolutely evidence the value you deliver to their business… and hit delete if they only describe what you do (same old same old)

Love your numbers: Make fantastic informed decisions by moving from “I dunno” to…”Positive jaws” i.e. decipher and understand your numbers so you constantly widen the gap between your revenue and expenses and so your margin handsomely rewards your extraordinary effort and risk.

Stare and prepare: Get out your telescope and foresee tipping points as you scale your business so that you prepare in advance and there are no avoidable surprises along the way.

All dressed up: Strap on your space suit and helmet and start planning now for a very different 2019. Good Different!

Shoot for the Stars:

Bring all these elements l together in a practical and digestible and doable way. When you connect with  likeminded others and think tank your way to the stars, you will learn alot from their different perspectives, knowledge and experience. 


Want help to plan for a better and bigger 2020? - register your interest today for our Planning Session HERE or have a conversation with Leigh Powell TODAY


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