Starting a business takes a vision and a lot of courage

It is not until you invest in real conversations and take the time to truly listen and understand the vision and purpose behind a business that you connect on a deeper level.

For the past 7 years we have held the YTM Awards Dinners. Our dinner events are a favourite. They enable the speakers to step out of their comfort zone, raise their profile and speak publicly, while honing their skills and prompt conversations.

In this article, you will learn more about the stories behind some businesses and why you might like to join us and reflect on your own story.

We have a special dinner coming up on 28th November when we will look at “Creating ripples”.


Speak from the heart

In 2022, the topic for the dinner was “WHY ME”.  Seven  speakers shared their own story.  Each story was different.  As there is with each year , there was a set criteria and while some may not have covered all the points , in our eyes, all speakers were winners.  It takes courage to speak from the heart to a group of peers and knowing that you are facing a judging panel is an added pressure.

While we have known Glenda Fagan from Boutique Travel and Tours for some time and she has been a member of the YTM community for much of that , we were not aware that her business stemmed from a connection with a vase held in high esteem by her mother. In fact, neither was she! But I believe that when we invest time in thinking about our journey and connect the dots, we can often see the path to our current potion.


I have often shared that our stories connect us.   Glenda’s did.  I visualised the blue vase that had first taken her attention as a child and related her own experiences to mine, especially the enjoyment of travelling to far off places as I had done when I worked in the travel industry many moons ago.

 I was fortunate that she gave me a draft copy of her intended talk early in the stages of preparation, so I am able to share it with you here  to illustrate the value of story and encourage you to think about how your vision and business have unfolded overtime. 


In 2023, the theme of the Awards was “WHY NOT”… why business owners have often just needed to take the chance and start their business. Once again we heard some inspiring stories. It’s no wonder the dinners are so inspiring and a great way to conenct with other business people.

Our dinner in November is not the Awards dinner, but special in its own right. It will be a perfect time to reflect on your past ten years and what you want to achieve moving forward.

Connect through story

I encourage you to share your story in conversation because I have experienced that speaking from your heart, will connect you more deeply with others and build relationships that drive opportunities.


Here is Glenda’s story :The journey to exotic places and story behind Boutique Tours and Travel


“ As a toddler, my parents told me not to touch the beautiful vase on my mother’s dressing table as it came from China. It was very precious and could not be replaced. I am sure this early experience planted the seed in my mind that China was an exotic and fascinating place; I was intrigued even from that early age, and it was a place that I knew I wanted to visit when I grew up.


This early interest in Asia meant that I chose to study Asian history in senior school. I found Chinese History particularly interesting, especially the stories and characters of Mao and the Long March, the warlords, the Emperors and Dynasties, Genghis Khan, and the history of the Great Wall. I learned all about the Opium Wars of the 1840s and the Concession areas of Shanghai. Growing up on a farm in a country town, China was about as far away and as exotic as it got.


Many years, a husband and three children later, the school our children attended decided that all Year 9 students could go on a cultural and educational journey to China for five weeks. I was, of course, hugely jealous that my children would get to visit China before I would. I was thrilled for them. Quietly my mind started churning and I knew I still wanted to visit this amazing country that I had learned so much about. After our children had all been to China, I did try to convince my husband to travel with me to China and he told me plainly that he had no desire to travel there.


I remember feeling disappointed and a little hopeless, as I was not sure if my dream to go to China would happen. My mind kept churning. I was thinking, dinners, housework, part-time nursing, and volunteering at school, wasn’t there more to life than this? I was more than just a cook, housekeeper, and taxi service! I bit the bullet, determined to see my dream come to fruition. A few days later I said to my husband that I was very keen to go to China and I would see if I could find a friend to travel with me.


I put the call out for expressions of interest within my children’s school community and I was overwhelmed by the response. In fact, I found fifteen people who were keen to travel with me! I organised an appointment with the then Principal Mr Stephen Newton. In our meeting, I asked for his help so we could visit the CGS Nanjing Campus building to see where our children had lived for five weeks. In the discussions that followed, the school offered to assist with a twoweek parents’ tour of China. Having studied Chinese history, I knew where we should travel, and what the journey should look like. I loved pulling together an itinerary of exciting locations and experiences. After several months of planning, my first tour group flew off to China and so began my first ‘Tour.’


These tours to China continued to run over several years, during which time several people who had participated in the tours suggested that I should consider running my own tour company. It did not take much to convince me that combining my love of travel and adventure, meeting new people, and having some wonderful spontaneous, unplanned moments and memorable experiences, was exciting and fulfilling. So, Boutique Tours & Travel was ‘born.’


I launched my new travel business, and a website, and went off to William Angliss College to make sure I had the necessary accreditations and education. And here we are. Numerous tours later, I still get a thrill from meeting a new group on a grand adventure, not only to China but now to other exciting and exotic places.


With the international borders opening again following the Covid-19 pandemic, I have been remembering how much I enjoyed all the places I have travelled to, and the amazing people we have met along the way and this has reignited my passion to travel again. So, I have dusted off my passport and am ready to share my passion for travelling to amazing places with other likeminded, adventurous people again.”


Over the last two years, travel has definitely been one of the hardest hit industries.  We wish Glenda well for the new era we are entering into and were delighted to read on social media that she has been traversing the globe to so many places, helping her clients fulfill their dreams.


Break the mold, change lives, and propel businesses forward

YTM also has a story. A decade ago, a seed was planted. It was a vision of a networking community that would break the mold, change lives, and propel businesses forward in an environment of trust, growth, and meaningful connection. 

We have needed to adapt and have blossomed over the past ten years, from primarily in-person events and now reaching further with online offerings . Testament to the contribution and support of so many and how creating ripples has enabled us to create opportunities, enhance growth and fulfilment while influencing change, personally, professionally and through community. 

While we're serious about networking and growth, we also know how to throw a dinner. Expect an evening filled with conversation, surprises, and contribution. It's a party with a purpose, where you'll not only enjoy the festivities but also gain insights and connections that can shape your future.


"The dinners are probably my most favourite YTM event and I never miss one because the food is great, the atmosphere is

energising and its a  highlight of the year".   Lisa Stoneham, Straight-forward Accounting


So, why should you join us for dinner? Because it's a chance to connect with a dynamic community that's been thriving for a decade, and it's an opportunity to rekindle and create new relationships that will define your success for years to come.

Would you be interested to have conversations and form relationships that  drive business, growth and fulfillment? That’s what can happen when you are creating ripples.

Connect with us HERE . We will send you some conversation starters and add you to our alerts to keep you abreast of opportunities we create for you to connect with men and women who, like you,  have a vision and courage to build a business.


Hello, I am Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst and founder of Your Time Matters  and podcast host of Conversations and connections to amplify and inspire. and am  a connection strategist, conversation starter and network catalyst who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.


I draw on my diverse career portfolio,  experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.


 For the past 10 years, I have provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in real life  and online events through her business, Your Time Matters. BOOK a discovery call and  let’s have a conversation  to see how I  can help you find ,   start or improve your business relationships.


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