Transformation over transactions : A human approach to networking.

Oh what a night! See what fun we had! Can you feel the connection within the Your Time Matters business community?

Francine Schaepper, FS Studios used her skills as a professional photographer to capture memorable moments as the YTM business community and friends, celebrated ten years of bringing people together to network and tap into resources , support and opportunities. It’s a safe space, offering transformation over transactions and a human approach to networking for business owners, changemakers and professionals, men and women, to truly experience the power of networking.

Tell the right story

Earlier this year, Francine provided valuable insight on visual branding at one of our monthly Lunch and Learn events. She explained the importance of visual branding and how to create photos that accurately represent your business. Francine emphasized the need for your photos to tell the right story and match your brand message. One of her recommendations was to create a photo library, so you have a ready supply of content for social media, websites and marketing.

We have been developing our own library since YTM began in 2013 and have a raft of excellent photographs taken by a variety of professional photographs in our network. We have photos from all the various event formats which engage and support our community.

Our ten year celebration photographs will provide a wonderful memory of a fun evening, along with photographs of hundreds of other memorable moments across the years. We have photos of the annual WHY Award nights and speakers, panel discussions, games nights, online events in 2020 , and of members and speakers sharing and learning together.

5 tips on visual branding

Francine shared many, many tips at the lunchtime session and can you see the applied to photographs taken at our ten year dinner:

1. Be clear on your visual identity.: For YTM, the colours blue and white are the foundation and our mission to create connection, foster community and influence change.

2. Ensure that your photos tell the right story and evoke the desired feeling or message: Our aim is to capture special moments, communicate that people enjoy engaging in the YTM community, have fun, share stories, talk business, seek out opportunities and build trusted, relationship. Is that evident to you?

3. Use your phone's camera to create powerful and attractive visuals for your brand: We take a few of our own photographs too, and Francine recommended a tool “Snapseed” which is useful in editing, however, Francine Schaepper- professional photographer, shas an eye for detail that you can see in her images.

4. Create a photo library: Over the past ten years, we have worked with many fabulous photographs and in recent times, Francine has captured photographs from our Halloween networking event and our dinner. adding a sense of fun and willingness to step out of their comfort zones . Here you can see panelists sharing, people listening and enjoying conversations and the warm and friendly atmosphere we create

5. Find ways to make your brand look more individual and unique, rather than generic: The YTM community, is unique. The ways we create connection through, games, formats and conversations stimulates conversation on a wide range of topics and provides support in ways you may never have experienced before. Our philosophy is that business is part of life, and at the core, business is by-product of strong relationships.

10 questions you should ask yourself about your visual branding

Prompted by the insights, Francine shared at the recent Lunch and Learn, we have put together these questions, you should ask yourself :

1. What feeling or story do my current photos convey about my business?

2. Do my photos accurately represent my brand identity?

3. Are my photos visually appealing and engaging?

4. Do my photos match the message I want to convey to my ideal clients?

5. Am I being true to myself and my business in the photos I use?

6. Do my photos accurately reflect how I want to be perceived by clients?

7. Are my photos consistent with my overall branding and messaging?

8. Do my photos attract the right clients and align with their expectations?

9. Are my photos creating a positive and cohesive visual experience for my audience?

10. Am I regularly evaluating and adjusting my visual branding based on feedback and engagement metrics?

As I am sure you have heard , a picture tells a thousand words. As you plan for the coming year, spend some time reflecting on your visual branding. Remember the importance of photos in telling your story and start today to create a visual brand identity, a word bank and photo library to reflect your business and brand with photography. Follow our social media accounts and see visual branding elements used across our platform.

Many elements in this blog were taken from the recorded session with Francine Schaepper at the YTM the Lunch and Learn in 2023. We store recordings and materials to support our members growth in in our Knowledge Vault. This resource, started in 2020, is a resource for our members to access 24/7 and is updated regularly. Members can take a refresher on topics covering business fundamentals, health and well being, lead generation and marketing , protecting your business assets and so much more. If you would like more details on our membership, read more here or book a discovery call so we can answer any questions you may have.

Hello ,

We are - Kerryn and Leigh Powell, the team behind, YTM. We have experienced the challenges you face, and know how important the right support, knowledge and strategies are for your business or organisation to grow. Technical knowledge is not enough.

Business owners and professionals need support, leads, knowledge and people who care.

We acknowledge that merely understanding, doesn’t make it easy, but it does make a difference to our community members who access business networking events, workshops, strategy sessions and a supportive community designed with you in mind! Let’ have a conversation and discuss how YTM can assist you to grow your business. Book a time here .


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