YTM Ripple Grant Fund- 5% of Membership Fees

A ripple effect starts with a pebble in a pond causing ripples that multiply and influence much further than the original start-point”.

At the YTM Why Dinner event on 31 August YTM announced the launch of the “YTM Ripple”.

The Grant funding is designed to support both not-for-profit and for-profit organisations, who seek to bring positive influence and change where they see the opportunity to tackle inequality, by collaborating with others.

 Asking “how can we help you” has always been the foundation stone of YTM’s “WHY”.

YTM has always sought to support business owners personally and professionally, and charities and associations with direct donations, professional and business mentoring, connection with likeminded others and the promotion of and partnering in their cause.

YTM has supported wonderful organisations such as the Start Foundation, Fitted for Work, Bendigo Community Banking, Rowville Community Kitchen, Co Ground, Just Peoples, Defib First, Small Business Mentoring Service.

 For YTM, a natural extension of this ethos is to launch “YTM Ripple”


Take a look at our recent LIVE dinner-


Meet our member Cindy Rella