How to Master Follow-Up to Connect with Your Ideal Clients AND NEXT OPPORTUNITY

We all know we need to follow up on conversations when we make new connections, and even more so, the immense value of nurturing and checking in with our past and current customers and clients, but more often than not we hear that people are poor at this so it’s worth considering why, and making the necessary changes, if new opportunities and nurturing your clients is important to you.

Firstly let’s get clear on why following up is crucial in a networking strategy. I am sure you have heard that rarely do people marry on the first date, and the same goes for business. Only 5% or people buy on a first encounter, so the remaining 95% are looking to build relationships, so that they have access to what they need, when they need it. Following up reinforces connections, demonstrates professionalism, and can lead to valuable opportunities.

When Peter Burgess, first attended a YTM event, we had only met online. I had connected with him on LinkedIn after he had written a post on remote work which I found interesting and commented. A conversation developed and he was interested in learning more about an event we were running. The long and the short of that, is that he attended our dinner and became a regular participant within our YTM business community for over 5 years.

I share this because I would have merely LIKED his post, or commented once, and that interaction may have ended there, but we were both interested to explore further and look for opportunities and synergies. Peter was a YTM Partner for sometime and also shared his expertise on various occasions with the YTM community, and we in turn were able to connect him with various opportunities to grow his business.

Following up matters

  1. Solidifies Relationships: Following up after an initial interaction shows your interest and commitment to building a relationship. It reinforces the connection made during the networking event and keeps you fresh in the other person's mind. It is important to stand out in the memory of the person, and you need to follow up within 48 hours of meeting, and not just with the generic LinkedIn invitation to connect. Show your new connection that you were interested in learning more or remembered your conversation. This can truly set you apart.

  2. Professionalism: Promptly following up reflects positively on your professionalism and reliability. It shows that you value the other person's time and are serious about maintaining contact. In saying that, you do not have to follow up every person you meet at an event. At the best events, you have had 3-5 conversations with people that go past a card swapping excercise adn have explored areas of synergy or mutual interest that are worthy of more time.

    If you are following up existing clients, it shows you are interested in them and their needs. Do not contact them to sell another service, rather check in and remind them that you are keen to support them in achieving their goals.

  3. Opportunity for Further Engagement: Following up provides an opportunity to continue the conversation and explore potential collaborations or opportunities. It allows you to delve deeper into shared interests or areas of mutual benefit. It can be time consuming, so make sure you schedule time to make this work and not a chore.

  4. Keeps Doors Open: Networking is about building long-term relationships, and following up ensures that you stay on the radar of your connections. Even if there's no immediate opportunity, staying in touch keeps the door open for future collaboration or referrals.

Steps to Effective Follow-Up:

When I present a workshop, networking strategy requires three parts- plan, prepare and follow up. Following up is essential and does not stop after one email, or one phone call or one transaction.

It is key area included in my program Explore- Excite- Expand. So in brief, what you can do to be more focused and effective is to develop a system whereby you

  1. Send a Personalized Message: Craft a personalized follow-up message referencing your initial conversation. Mention something specific you discussed or an insight you gained during the interaction to demonstrate genuine interest.

  2. Express Gratitude: Begin your follow-up by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect. Thank the person for their time and insights shared during the networking event.

  3. Provide Value: Offer something of value in your follow-up, such as a relevant article, resource, or invitation to an upcoming event. Providing value shows that you're invested in the relationship and adds substance to your interaction.

  4. Propose Next Steps: Suggest potential next steps for further engagement, such as scheduling a follow-up meeting or exploring collaboration opportunities. Be proactive in moving the relationship forward.

  5. Maintain Consistency: Consistently follow up at appropriate intervals to nurture the relationship over time. Strike a balance between staying in touch regularly and being respectful of the other person's time and boundaries.

  6. Follow Through: If you've promised to take any specific actions during your follow-up, ensure that you follow through on your commitments promptly. This demonstrates reliability and integrity, further strengthening your professional reputation.

These steps need to be personalised, but can also be automated, and Peter Burgess has presented at YTM on several occasions on how this can be done. You can also access a session of Peter’s, along with other YTM members on how to grow your profit which was recorded and is a valuable resource HERE

At YTM we want to create connection, foster community and influence change. If we can influence you and the way you follow up by supporting you to have better conversations and access subject matter experts. When I followed up with Fran Pratt, who spoke at YTM a few years back, I was delighted that she would once again share her insights with our community and guests. So consider booking for our session on Tuesday, 17th April , Lunch Learn Do session “Easy and Effective Following Up with Frances Pratt”, if following up is a stumbling block for you or you could benefit from a reminder or two. Join us stop leaving money on the table and your clients confused! Gold is in following up, learn how to do this easily and effectively

Key Learnings you will take home:

1. Why you hate following up and how to change it

2. What your clients actually want to hear

3. The easy follow up steps that will change your world


By following up effectively, you can deepen your connections, cultivate meaningful relationships, and unlock valuable opportunities in your networking journey.

The team at YTM live in Melbourne, Australia. Having grown up in small business families, they understand that running a small business can be tough and effects every aspect of your life.

Kerryn and Leigh Powell have experienced the challenges you face, and how important the right support, knowledge and strategies are for your business or organisation to grow. Technical knowledge is not enough.

They understand that business owners and professionals often feel they are facing overwhelming odds and lack the support and knowledge they need.   The members of the YTM community benefit from access to business networking events, workshops, strategy sessions and a supportive community designed with you in mind! Let’ have a conversation and discuss how YTM can assist you to grow your business. Book a time here .




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