Are you keeping up with the rapidly changing world of business? It is so important to keep up with trends and technology if you do not want to get left behind, but it really is never ending. I often think how I was introduced to the golf ball typewriter when I started work, and now I send and receive emails on a device in my pocket!

I am sure you too have seen enormous changes in technology, and in recent times the increased uptake of technology through AI will without doubt influence our professional and personal lives, possibly in ways we cannot even imagine as yet.

How do we best optimise our role in this ever-changing technological environment, are we leveraging the opportunity it delivers? The benefits and the value of the technology will be multiplied if we use our skills to critically examine and position it’s power, and not simply be led by it.

One of the greatest advantages we have at this point, is being a human. You have innately the skills that business owners and professionals need to recognise, embrace and own. You have the ability to continually adapt, and apply thinking skills founded on human interaction and lived experience. As a human you have skills that can turn challenges into stepping stones as you identify opportunities, and apply transferable skills and strategic thinking frameworks based on your own or your human connections, lived experience and knowing how, you can “read” people and how others may react.

More than ever your human advantage needs to be honed so you can make the best of the opportunity the technological revolution now offers. How?

Becoming Your Own Think Tank

YTM Member Portal

When I was studying education, Edward de Bono’s method of utilising thinking hats to approach a problem from various angles, was covered and I learnt how it can empower us to dissect problems, craft creative solutions, and make strategic decisions that can support growth and development and by leveraging transferable skills , developed across a lifetime.

You can become your own “think tank” when you recognise how critical thinking skills are indispensable and can be applied in a range of situations. By accessing opportunities to develop these skills and learn from the interactions with others, you can draw on the knowledge and experience you have available to you:

  1. Problem-Solving: Daily business challenges range from operational snags to strategic hurdles. Effective thinking skills help unravel issues, understand their core, and devise actionable solutions. In the case of the YTM business community, interactions between members spotlight issues commonly experienced and often solved through conversation with others, who willingly share their perspective and knowledge.

  2. Decision-Making: The fast-paced nature of business today requires swift, informed decisions. Critical thinking enables you to evaluate your options, anticipate outcomes, and choose wisely. You need to consider all angles of a problem to arrive at a solution. You can tap into conversations with others and explore.

  3. Innovation and Creativity: Staying ahead of the competition necessitates continuous innovation. Creative thinking sparks new ideas, enhancing products, services, and processes. While AI can provide options, understanding human behaviour and being able to communicate in real life situations cannot be underestimated.

  4. Strategic Planning: For long-term success, strategic planning is crucial. Analytical thinking helps in grasping market trends, foreseeing future challenges, and setting realistic goals. You can test the market, gain feedback on your ideas and look at opportunities from a variety of angles and perspective when you engage in conversations with others and identify what has worked, caused problems, been a way forward.

  5. Effective Communication: Articulating your ideas clearly and persuasively is key, whether in presentations, negotiations, or marketing. Thinking skills refine how you communicate, making your messages more impactful.

The Transformative Journey of a business founder

My own personal journey as founder of the business networking community, Your Time Matters, exemplifies my ability to apply my transferable skills and understanding of De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats in the business realm.

I am able to communicate, lead, and develop a strategy overtime that has resulted in establishing and nurturing a thriving business community where learning and mutual respect flourish. Through the relationships that I have fostered, our members have built trusted relationships, many belonging to the community for ten plus years.

When I reflect on De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats I can see that almost unconsciously I have applied many of the principles mentioned in his book… 6 Thinking Hats for Business while fostering a supportive network and being able to repurpose ideas and conversations to solve my needs.

  • White Hat (Information): Prioritizing data and facts.

Business professionals continue to access resources and knowledge through regular learning insights , supporting them to make informed decisions and apply to their business. It is not enough to fly blind or expect that trends will pass and you can keep doing what you have always done. For example, while AI is a key player in today’s world, if a business does not upskill, and learn to utilise and implement what is available, then opportunities can be lost. It is imperative that as humans we keep learning, implementing , questioning and developing our thinking to make decisions and ascertain what is truth and factual, not an assumption of the facts. Business people need to ask themselves such things as what do I need to know? How will this be an advantage/ or threat to my growth? What do I need to consider before making a final decision on the matter at hand?

  • Red Hat (Emotions): Probably one of my key skills is recognizing the emotional journey of entrepreneurship. I have created a supportive and safe environment knowing that human connection is a core need and no one achieves anything alone.

    Reflecting on how a person feels about a situation, or the effect of the situation on others can never be overlooked. Relationships are key, personally and professionally and knowing their is no body language in a keyboard.

  • Black Hat (Judgment): Anticipating challenges, I have always been optimistic , but I know from my lived experiences, that things do not always go according to plan. Hour after hour for more than ten years has gone into planning opportunities for the community and even during times of uncertainty, such as the covid lockdowns, I have been able to use a resourceful approach to found a way forward and take into account various perspectives, learning styles, personalities and needs of the community. The end result is not to serve one person, or business, but to contribute to the business and welfare of the group and community.

  • Yellow Hat (Optimism): By highlighting the positives, I hope to inspire others to see opportunities in every challenge. Feeding AI with the right questions, can result in a list of positives, but lived experience illustrates that the silver lining can be found , you may just have to look harder and call on all the resources available to you.

  • Green Hat (Creativity): Encouraging innovation, I thrive on creative solutions and novel approaches. From childhood, I loved to create art and craft, and was always keen to be an educator. From owning and operating an art and craft market, to the classroom where I designed learning experiences my skills have translated well to the business offering of YTM.

  • Blue Hat (Processes): Transferable skills develop in various ways, and yet too often go unnoticed. I now regularly and encouraging others to be curious. And, perhaps years of organising travel itineraries for clients, learning plans for individual student, to workflows and event management in small business, has seen me wearing De Bono’s “blue” hat.

Harness the Power of Thinking Hats

So, why embrace the journey of becoming your own think tank? Wearing the different coloured hats you can expand your thinking and view a problem or opportunity from all angles.

In a team meeting the thinking hats can bring these discussions to the fore, but it is possible as an individual to look at a problem alone, and come up with a plan, and strategy.

Taking the time to examine the issue at hand and remembering to look from all angles and even put on all the “hats” you can be better equipped to make decisions, take action, before moving forward. Some hats will be easier to wear, but using and developing your critical thinking skills based on your own lived experience and understanding of the way humans operate will be immensely valuable. You have lived experience, use it.

So while change is the only constant, you can prepare yourself with the right tools and information to think differently isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

Now is the time to transform your thinking and humanness into your greatest asset. If you are interested to explore further, join us at the Lunch Learn Do event on the 15th May . Bring along one of your problems and test out the thinking hats. This event is your opportunity to wear different "hats" figuratively, exploring diverse perspectives and approaches to challenges you face as a business owner.

Hello, I am Kerryn Powell, the founder of YTM and also, known as the Network Catalyst.

I look forward to connecting with you and introducing you to my business community of men and women in business. I know that through purposeful conversations you will see a positive impact on your business and have access to a the support, knowledge and community you need.

Your business will benefit from your increased confidence, improved conversational skills, access to support, focus on business strategy and the opportunity to share knowledge and experience with like minded business owners and Check out what our community offers and come along to an event soon to experience for yourself; transactions flow from transformation and relationships are the key!

If you would like to receive updates on our events, connect with us via our LinkedIn Company page or visit our contact page and drop us a line.


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